

Consider the following statement: “If PP, then QQ.” This statement can be written as:

P    QP \implies Q

Here, PP is called the sufficient condition and QQ is called the necessary condition.

If P    QP \implies Q and Q    PQ \implies P, then PP and QQ are said to be the necessary and sufficient conditions for each other, which is written as:

P    QP \iff Q

Why QQ is called ‘necessary’ condition?

Assume that P    QP \implies Q is true.

Then QQ should be true whenever PP is true. If QQ is false, then PP cannot be true.

In other words, QQ is necessary for PP to be true. This is why QQ is called the necessary condition.

This implies:

  • If Q is not true, then P cannot be true.
  • If Q is true, then P can be true, but not necessarily.

Why PP is called ‘sufficient’ condition?

Assume that P    QP \implies Q is true.

Then PP is enough to guarantee that QQ is true, since P    QP \implies Q.

In other words, PP is sufficient for QQ to be true. This is why PP is called the sufficient condition.

This implies:

  • If P is true, then Q is true.
  • If P is not true, then Q can be not true, but not necessarily.


For example consider the relationship between differentiability and continuity.:

For a function f(x)f(x):

f(x) is differentiable at x=a    f(x) is continuous at x=af(x)\text{ is differentiable at } x = a \implies f(x)\text{ is continuous at } x = a

This means that differentiability is a sufficient condition for continuity. In other words, if a function is differentiable at a point, then it is continuous at that point.

The converse is not necessarily true. A function can be continuous at a point without being differentiable at that point.

Another example is the definition of a continuous function.

For a function f(x)f(x):

f(x) is continuous at x=a    limxaf(x)=f(a)f(x)\text{ is continuous at } x = a \iff \lim_{x \to a} f(x) = f(a)

In this case, the left side and the right side mean the same thing. They’re the necessary and sufficient conditions for each other.